Undergraduate Research Assistant

We are seeking a talented undergraduate student for a full time 8-month work term, beginning in January 2020. The student, working under the supervision of a Ph.D. student, will complete research in vivo and in vitro exploring how genetic and pharmaceutical factors impact immunity to gastrointestinal viruses. The student will have opportunities to complete self-directed research while assisting with ongoing projects in the lab.

The student’s primary tasks will include working with and performing procedures on laboratory mice, isolating and staining cells for flow cytometry, performing qPCR assays, culturing and performing experiments on mammalian cell cultures, analyzing data, and preparing figures for presentation.

We are a small, tight-knit group of young immunologists looking for a student with a passion for research in general, and immunology specifically. We would love to hear from you!

Please apply through the UBC and UVIC Co-op Programs

Lisa Osborne